Encoded in pi

I've seen a few sites now that talk about pi (the mathematical number that relates the radius of a circle to it's circumference and area) and how things can be said to be encoded in it and as it's got me thinking quite a lot I thought I'd write about it.

If you're not familiar I've included an idiots guide in what follows.

Pi is a non-rational number - that means that it can never be written down properly as it effectively goes on forever. This is unlike say a number like 1/4 which can be expressed exaxtly as either 1/4 or 0.25. Pi expressed to 5 decimal places is 3.14159 but the decimal places go on forever. There's a lot of complex number theory behind the form that the decimals of pi take but as I understand it it's essentially a normal number so eventually every combination of numbers should be expressed in there and the number of decimal places itself is infinite.

Taking this to the extreme this should mean that everything that can be expressed in numbers should be encoded somewhere in pi.

So somewhere in pi there should be a sequence that expresses my name. And in fact there is as can be seen here.

search string = "kat"
15-bit binary equivalent = 010110000110100

search string found at binary index = 417996152
binary pi : 0010100001011000011010000000000000000011010011000110011001011101
binary string: 010110000110100
character pi : upt.tu_ourvzntuahkat___zllynqfoyahguxe
character string: kat

In fact this should mean that if you converted my complete genetic code into numbers (say G=1, C=2, T=3, A=4) I should also be expressed somewhere in pi.

This can be extended out to other things. If I'm encoded in pi then so is the complete works of Shakespeare, the architectural plans for my flat and the next Harry Potter novel.

Of course, there's no real way that you can 'read' pi to obtain this information. At least no way that I can think of at the moment but somewhere in pi will be encoded a video stream showing what I will do next Friday, all the interactions I have with people at work and just how many times I'll say 'smurfing' while watching TV (I predict none but maybe, you never know...).

So I guess if you don't think this is mind blowing enough then maybe what I'm currently having the 'Oh! Wow!' feeling will...

You see, if everything can be encoded in pi then surely the whole universe is encoded in pi as pi's decimals are infinite. So pi must describe everything inside the universe completely and utterly . But not only that, it should have everything in it right from the beginning of time to the eventual end. And if the whole universe is completely encoded in pi then surely what we call our God's, if they exist, should also be encoded in pi.

And at the point of the whole universe being encoded in pi is about the time my brain starts to sputter with the sheer immensity of the idea (I don't believe in a God so the God encoding to me might as well as not exist).

Interesting links: -
We are in the digits of pi and live forever
Is Shakespeare in pi?