Pinging Sites?

Hopefully, this site should now be pinging a few of the blog aggregators. I've taken the plunge and decided to start opening this up a bit more for other people to read (if they wish).

It's not really important to me at the moment - I've managed to go about 5 weeks with only really me knowing about the existence of the site so at the moment I'm not too bothered. It's not like I update everyday. Personally I can't be bothered unless it's something even vaguely important to me. Random quizes of the moment have never really interested me all that much. Maybe in a few weeks time I'll be one of those people that measure their worth on how many people have commented on their ramblings ;-) Personally I don't think what I have to say is that important!

This site is mainly here to provide somewhere to host what few images/digital media I produce and to give me somewhere where I can learn more about web stuff such as content management and php/apache/mySQL etc etc.

Maybe in a few weeks time I'll feel confident enough to tell my friends about it :-)