Chunks newly fallen from head of Glacier

Chunks newly fallen from head of Glacier

We had intended to take a helicopter ride of 40 minutes onto both the Fox and Franz joseph Glaciers and booked a trip but on the morning at 11 am the mist from the mountains was so low that all flights were cancelled and we were advised that in their experience, it would not change during the day. As we were intending to move on that evening, there was nothing for it but to take the one hour walk to the head of the Fox Glacier over very uneven ground which slowly rose up and had me stopping to rest every 10 minutes or so. Fortunately we had taken the advice of the helicopter people and replaced our sandals with trainers. It got steadily colder and colder until jackets were zipped right up and hands were in pockets.
We were not supposed to go close to the head of the glacier as bits fall off from time to time and plastic tape provided a barrier which could easily be ducked under. Hubby decided to be foolhardy and approached quite close as many other people were doing but I stayed safely behind the tape! The ice is very dirty as you can see, except for those pieces newly exposed. Meltwater issued from the base of the glacier to form a shallow brisk stream among the debris of greyish rocks left by the glacier when the head was further forward in times gone by. You can just see the meltwater on the right of the picture.


kat's picture

Could you hear the ice

Could you hear the ice cracking while you were there or was it quite silent?

Pat from Canvey's picture

Could you hear the ice

No, but it was probably masked by the sound of the meltwater emanating from the base at the front of the glacier. There were also lots of people around, many wearing boots so the sounds of them on the uneven ground and pebbles probably also masked any glacier sounds.