Exam is Over!

Woohoo! My exam is over! I officially no longer need to feel guilty about doing something more fun that revision! The exam was odd in that there seemed to be more time provided than was required. Normally this would make me think that I had done really badly but there was so much more time than was required that I think it was just a weird exam. The exam was two hours long and you had to answer 3 questions. I'd answered the first two within half an hour. After chatting to the guy who was sitting it with me he said that his experience was similar. The first question I answered was a math related one so there's only one way that you can derive the equations and use them. A bit of explanatory blurb at the end is the only variable but even then, the whole thing took about 10 minutes to complete. The second question required a bit more thought. I chose to answer the question on 'the lost wax process' which if I didn't give a good explanation of will be quite embarrassing since I've both worked in and around a foundry for a few years now. The third was a bit more problematical in that I was not as familiar with it. It asked how the mechanical response of titanium changes with microstructure. I just 'spewed' out everything I could remember out titanium, it's heat treatments and its alloy composition. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some marks from it. Overall - I'm confident I've passed, which is all that really matters. I won't get confirmation for a while though so hopefully I won't have an embarrassing letter in a while saying I need to resit. Not a problem when you're paying for the exam but when work is paying for the course it's more embarrassing career-wise.


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Pat from Canvey's picture

Maths and Marbles

I remember trying to teach one five year old 2+3=5 using coloured marbles. No names, no pack drill.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Wednesday and no, I'm not going to give away your advancing age!!!

kat's picture

Advancing Age?

Who cares about giving it away? I'll be 27... There's still blokes in my office with kids older than I am. With colleagues like that you can't help but feel young! ;-)

(Still feeling like a child inside)