Photo Statistics

As I'm meant to be finishing off my coursework and revising for an exam next Friday I am of course wasting time in whatever way I can to put off having to do work. My flat is relatively tidy, the washing-up and laundry are done so now I'm looking for other things to do to procrastinate. Given this, I saw Exif Stats Utility linked a long time ago on one of the bulletin boards I frequent. I saw it again today so thought I'd give it a go.

ISO 18 November 2006

My favourite ISO is unsurprisingly 100. More surprisingly though is that I have a large number at 400 and 1600. Given the poor performance of my camera noise-wise at 1600 I'm surprised I have so many. I know I generated a lot one day when I forgot to set it back down at the zoo after going into one of the animal houses but 9% of all my images that it scanned?!

Aperture 18 November 2006

I'm not well represented through the bands at all with lots at 5.6 and lots at 32. Maybe a good learning exercise is to try and deliberatley take more photos in the middle aperture bands to become more familiar with their use.

Exposure Time 18 November 2006

I have a good spread of times from very short - all the 0's listed at the beginning where there's not enough decimal places to show a descriptive value right up to my longest exposure of 1959 seconds (around 33 minutes). I have a big spike at 128 seconds confusingly. I wonder what all those were? Maybe I was aiming at 2 minutes and the difference is the error in the camera clock / my clock and reactions?

Lens Type 18 November 2006

I don't seem to have a favourite lens with my three lenses all around 30 percent. The other lenses are ones that I have borrowed from other people at one time or another. I'm not sure what the 5.4-16.2mm lens is. I don't ever remember using one that short. It's probably an error in the exif. I know I've used a couple of non-canon lenses so it's possible that it's not correctly registered the lens length for those lenses. The 0.0mm lens is probably in that same category. I also have a 500mm manual lens which is (obviously) recorded at 0mm but I suspect some of these are also incorrectly recorded values.

Other things I found out are:

My favourite focal length is 60mm by far followed by 300mm. I expect that the 60mm will keep edging ahead as it's almost exclusively the lens I use to photograph panoramas.

So I guess I now either have to think of something else to use to procrastinate from work - or actually do some!


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kat's picture

More Statistics

'Finding the area under the graph' for exposure I see I have spent just over 12 hours of my life waiting for the shutter to close. I feel slightly sad and geekish working it out but that's kind of an interesting statistic.

Pat from Canvey's picture

minute brainstorming sessions

Ah, but what were you thinking during these periods, not just "What will I have for Tea". You might have had some of your best ideas whilst waiting for that shutter so it might not be as much of a waste of time as you make out.