Poor Photographer, OK Photoshopper

It's not been a good weekend for me for photography. I went out yesterday with my camera, walking from where I live over into the Winterbourne area of Bristol and wandering around the country lanes and fields there. I only took 21 photos for the 4 hours or so I was out and 6 of those were related to a panoramic picture which is currently suffering from a photo join mismatch in the sky area where two power-lines don't quite join up. It's annoying as the rest of the photos go together well. I'm trying to decide whether it's worth spending the time to fix it in Photoshop or to just not bother and ditch the image. I suppose you wouldn't notice if the image was smaller but in panormas it appears that there's a definite 'bigger is better' culture and there's something very cool about having the full res. 11,000 ish pixel wide photo.

Of the other three subjects I took photos of, one was a telecommunications mast, one was a church and one was a horse. None of the final images came out how I imagined when I took the picture.

Mast: A telecommunications mast out in the Winterbourne area.Mast: A telecommunications mast out in the Winterbourne area.

I envisaged the mast in black and white when I took the picture. The sun was dropping in the sky and it was nicely highlighting areas of the mast against the sky. In the end it seems to work better as a duotone rather than pure black and white as the sky was just too pale to give a good contrast in black and white.

Ethereal Church: An ethereal looking church.  Manipulated using inversion and  a couple of levels layers to bring out individual detail in the trees.Ethereal Church: An ethereal looking church. Manipulated using inversion and a couple of levels layers to bring out individual detail in the trees.

The church was shot when it was starting to get dark. I wanted to take an image of the church from a lower angle and contrast the sky against the church. The final image was not good at all. I therefore decided to play around in photoshop and see what I could come up with. The resulting image is inverted and then levels layers used with masks to bring out detail in different areas of the trees. It's resulted in a final image that I actually quite like. Good enough that if I had a printer I'd print it and tape it to my wall.

Finally I managed to get a lovely picture of a horse. The image was well composed, the horse was a lovely colour as the sun was low and the coat was gleaming. There is even a catchlight in the horses eye! Only problem is that the focus is not on the horses face but it's bum! I haven't bothered trying to save it using Photoshop.

The final verdict for this weekend is therefore:

Quality of photography, 0; Post processing in Photoshop, 1.

Not the greatest outcome as I'm trying to get better at photography, not spend time in Photoshop correcting poor photography.....