Rolls-Royce Families Day 2008

On the 14th of June, Roll-Royce had an open day. They tend to run one once every couple of years with Airbus on the same day for the families of employees to take a look around the site and see some displays (Airbus is located just over the road from Rolls-Royce in Bristol). This year was on odd one without Airbus to give families a look around the new site and the new buildings that have now been built as part of the site regeneration. I went along as it was too nice a day to stay inside and the displays can be interesting.

I tried taking some panoramic photos of the site while there and the image below is one of them. This building can be seen by the public from the A38 - the other main panoramic image I took is not visible from a public area so I won't be posting it.

This building is one of the new buildings built to replace the workshops on the south side of Gypsy Patch Lane. It's part factory and part office and is sort of tortoise shell-like in shape.


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Pat from Canvey's picture


Were there two trees on the forecourt or is that a facet of the panorama stitching program? An interesting shape to the building. I see you managed to get a bit of the simulator into the picture.

kat's picture


There are actually two trees there. I took this at the end of the day when I was rushed and hence my composition has suffered. I have some other panos of this building without the simulator which I took before this but they are all from an off-centre position and are not as pleasing when viewed like that as the building distortion looks too odd. It's a building that definitely needs the central point of view from the centre of the building.