British Citizen Test

Saturday mornings usually find me browsing the BBC's magazine pages while eating breakfast and drinking a cup of tea. I decided to have a go at the Citizenship Test that the BBC has put up based on the book 'Life in the UK' from which the actual test questions are taken.

I admit that I expected to not be able to answer all the questions but I did expect to be able to get better than 8 out of 14 questions correct. Interestingly the questions that the BBC chose to ask were not topics that I can ever remember learning about at school in history or general studies. They were more common sense and random bits of trivia type questions. I'd be interested in seeing if the actual test follows the same pattern.

I guess I should be glad that I was given citizenship automatically at birth otherwise I might be in for a visit from immigration services. Maybe I can plead 'being able to appreciate a nice cup of tea' as being citizen-like enough?