Graceful Whale

One of the cool things about where I work is that we sometimes get a random flypast of various different aircraft which is cool if you are like me and like planes. Last time it was Harriers and Spitfires. Today it was the Airbus A380. I went out onto the grass leading up to the start of the runway with some colleagues. The weather has been miserable all day with scattered downpours and dark clouds. Everyone was hoping that it would stay sunny long enough for a good view of the aircraft. I finally appeared in view slightly late from its scheduled time and appeared to gracefully float towards us and the runway. Luckily I had my camera in the boot of the car so I managed to get lots of pictures. For such a large aircraft it is surprising how graceful it looks while in the air. It also was quieter than I expected along I don't know if that is because the engines are inherently quieter than normal or that I'm just used to the noise of military jets which tend to blow your ears out.

Airbus A380: Airbus A380 as it floats down towards Filton Airfield for a flypast.Airbus A380: Airbus A380 as it floats down towards Filton Airfield for a flypast.

It did a couple of passes, all the time being followed by a chase plane that looked like some sort of business jet which I couldn't identify. It finally headed off just as the rain started up again to complete it's journey to Heathrow.


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Pat from Canvey's picture

TV Programme

Did you see the programme last night on Discovery Wings about the building of the Airbus and the transportation problems involved in getting all the various parts to Toulouse, including voyages by barge at the ideal time so that the top of the cargo did not collide with the base of the bridges. I did think of phoning to warn you once the programme started but gave up on the idea.

kat's picture

No, I didn't

I tried to find the cool Airbus video on Google about how to build an A380 in 7 minutes for you to look at but it appears that they have taken it off. If I find a working link I'll put it up. It was very interesting.